for Draw Circle

To Download Drawings
Click on small thumbnail image. This will lead you to the full size image. Right Click image, then choose "Save Picture As..." Choose the destination on your computer.

To Upload Drawings
You will need to register in order to upload images. After you sign in, you will be able to upload as many images as you would like. The images must be JPG or GIF files and have a 100KB maximum size limit.

How to Make File Size (KB) Smaller
There are many ways to do this with different programs.

Using Microsoft Paint:
The easiest way is to use Microsoft Paint. Open the file in Microsoft Paint (right click on the image then open with Paint). Click on "Image" then choose "Stretch/Skew...". Under the "Stretch" section, change the horizontal and vertical percentage to a smaller number. Example: 50% in both boxes. Then click "Okay". 
Save the file in JPG format.

Using Photoshop Elements or Photoshop:
Open the file in the program. Click on "Image" then choose "Image Size...".  Make sure "Constrain Proportions" is checked. Enter a smaller number in the "Document Size" or "Pixel Dimension" section. Click "Okay".
Save the file in JPG format.

Clicking on the image in the folder where you saved it will give you information on the KB size.

No Image Appears After You Upload It
No images will appear if it is over 100KB. 

Forgot Your Password
If you have forgotten your password, a temporary one will be emailed to you. Then, you can change it to a new one. Click on the above "sign in" link to begin.

Change Your Password
If you know your current password and would like to change it, first "sign in" using the above link. On the bottom of the "Welcome Page", click on "Change Password".

Registration Problems
The username should contain only letters from 6-20 characters long. The password can contain letters, numbers and underscores from 6-20 characters long. 
Error messages may appear if you have a duplicate username and/or password with someone else. Try using different registration information.

No Scanner to Upload Artwork
You can take a photo of your artwork with a digital camera. Upload to the art gallery the same way you would upload a photograph.  

If the above information hasn't helped, the email address is mail@drawcircle.com