to Draw
a Face
Face Proportions
Learn how to draw people using the correct measurements. This helps with figure drawing, portrait drawing and for other realistic art.

To draw the face, begin with an oval. Draw lightly with a pencil to create guidelines to keep the facial features in proportion with each other.
You can roughly measure where the facial features belong by dividing the face into different measurements.
The eyes are halfway between the top of the head and chin. Draw the eyes about one eye length in distance from each other.
The next measurements are
divided into thirds. They include the hairline, eyebrows, nose and chin
which are about one third from each other in distance.
The side view of the head has the same proportions. The front of the ears are halfway between the front of the nose and the back of the head.

Of course, everyone has
different facial features. The measurements in this drawing tutorial
are for both male and female adults only.